ISC Publications


  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., van der Molen, G. M., Digital Twin for Electric Vehicle Monitoring, 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 28 - September 1, 2024, Bari, Italy. (Pre-publication Version)
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., van der Molen, G. M., Battery State-of-Charge Estimator Design based on The Least-Square Support Vector Machine, 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), August 28 - September 1, 2024, Bari, Italy. (Pre-publication Version)
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., Energy Optimization Strategies for Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicles, 14th United Kingdom Automatic Control Council (UKACC) International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2024), Winchester, April 10 – 12, 2024. (Pre-publication Version)
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., van der Molen, G. M., Energy Management Control of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Ships, American Control Conference, San Diego, June 2023.
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., Sasikumar, L. V., Li, R., Hillier, C., Processor-In-the-Loop Demonstration of MPC for HEVs Energy Management System, 10th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Columbus, Ohio, USA, August 28-31 2022.
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., Ivanovic, V., Tseng, H. E., LPV-MPC Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Road Junction Scenarios, 24th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), September 19-22, 2021, Indianapolis, IN, USA. (Pre-publication Version)
  • Grimble, M. J., Alotaibi, S., and Majecki, P., Restricted Structure Polynomial Systems Approach to LPV Generalized Predictive Control, The 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Alotaibi, S., Grimble, M. J., and Cavanini, L., Nonlinear Optimal Generalized Predictive Functional Control of Piecewise Affine Systems, The 29th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Puglia, Italy.
  • Pawel Majecki, Michael J. Grimble, Ibrahim Haskara, Chen-Fang Chang, "Hybrid Model Predictive Control of a Variable Displacement Engine Mode Management", 21st IFAC World Congress, Estrel Berlin, Berlin, July; IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 53, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 14047-14054.
  • P. Majecki, M. J. Grimble, I Haskara, Y Hu, C.F. Chang, "Total Engine Optimization and Control for SI Engines Using Linear Parameter-Varying Models", 2017 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, USA on May 24 - 26, 2017
  • P. Majecki, G. van der Molen, I. Haskara, Y. Hu, C.F. Chan and M. J. Grimble, "Real-Time Predictive Control for SI Engines Using Linear Parameter-Varying Models", 5th IFAC Conference, 2015, Seville, Spain, pp.94-101
  • Fei He, Xiaohong Guan, Mike Grimble, Min Sun, Andy Clegg, "Estimation of Selective Catalyst Reduction System Parameters using Modified Gauss-Newton Method", American Control Conference (ACC), 4-6 June 2014, Portland, USA
  • Majecki, P., Javaherian, H., Grimble, M.J., "Supervisory Multiple-Model Approach to Multivariable Lambda and Torque Control of SI Engines", IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modelling, France, Nov 2009
  • Dutka, A., Javaherian, H., Grimble, M.J., "Model-based engine fault detection and isolation." American Control Conference, 2009.
  • Martin, P, N. Brignall, M. MacDonald, M.J. Grimble, "Constrained predictive control of a servo-driven tracking turret", UKACC, Manchester, 2008
  • Dutka, A., Javaherian, H., Grimble, M.J., "Model-based nonlinear multivariable engine control." American Control Conference, 2007, New York, NY, USA, pp. 3671-3677
  • Dutka, A., Javaherian, H., Grimble, M.J., "State-dependent Kalman filters for robust engine control," American Control Conference, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA, pp.1185-1190.


  • Jimoh, I. A., Yue, H. and Grimble, M., "Tube-based model predictive control of an autonomous underwater vehicle using line-of-sight re-planning", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 314, Part 2, 15 December 2024.
  • Balan, M., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. and Blackwell, P., "Multiple Degrees of Freedom Active Motion Control of a Hydraulically Actuated Crane", OCEANS 2021: San Diego and Porto. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., (Oceans Conference Record (IEEE); Vol. 2021-September and Presenting Author: Marius Balan).
  • Cavanini, L., Majecki, P., Grimble, M. J., Uchihori, H., Tasaki, M. and Yamamoto, I., LPV-MPC Path Planner for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, 13th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Oldenburg, Germany. (Download Pre-publication Version) (Watch presentation on YouTube)
  • Uchihori, H.; Cavanini, L.; Tasaki, M.; Majecki, P.; Yashiro, Y.; Grimble, M.J.; Yamamoto, I.; van der Molen, G.M.; Morinaga, A.; Eguchi, K., Linear Parameter-Varying Model Predictive Control of AUV for Docking Scenarios, Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4368. (Watch presentation on YouTube)
  • Z. Liu, H. Jin, M. J. Grimble and R.Katebi, Ship Forward Speed Loss Minimization Using Nonlinear Course Keeping and Roll Motion Controllers, 2015 (Technical Paper).


  • Savvidis, P.; Grimble, M.J; Majecki, M.; Pang, Y, "Nonlinear Predictive Generalized Minimum Variance LPV Control of Wind Turbines", International Conference on Renewable Power Generation, September 2016 (Technical Paper)
  • Clegg, A., "Keynote Talk on Control of Offshore Wind Turbine Access System using LabVIEW and CompactRIO", NI Week, USA, August 2012 (Watch video).
  • Clegg, A., "Making Effective Decisions about Energy Efficiency Improvements", Process Engineering Live,11 March 2009, Manchester, UK (PowerPoint Presentation)


  • Ricardo Requena Perez (UNED, Spain), Andrew Geddes (Scottish Power, Glasgow) and Andy Clegg (ISC Ltd, Glasgow), "Adaptive Predictive Control of Superheated Steam Temperature in a Coal-Fired Power Plant",International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, July 2012 (Technical Paper)
  • Balbis, L; J. Balderud and M J Grimble, "Nonlinear predictive control of steel slab reheating furnace", American Control Conference, Seattle 11-13 June 2008, pp 1679 - 1684


  • Yan Pang, Hao Xia and Michael J. Grimble, "Resilient nonlinear control for attacked cyber-physical systems", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 50, Issue 6, pp. 2129-2138, June 2020. (Pre-publication Version)
  • Mike J Grimble and Pawel Majecki, "NGMV Control Using Unstable State-Dependent Multivariable Models", IET Control Theory & Applications. 2011 (Technical Paper)
  • Grimble, M.J., "Reducing Costs Through Application of Advanced Control Methods", IChemE Workshop on Reducing the Cost of Closed Loop Control, Manchester, UK , 28 Jan 2010 (PowerPoint Presentation)
  • Grimble, M.J., "Nonlinear Minimum Variance State Based Estimation for Discrete-Time Multi-Channel Systems", IET Journal Signal Processing, 2009
  • Clegg, A., "Get More from your Process using Modelling and Simulation", PICME Workshop on Lean and Agile Manufacturing, 15 March 2005, Grangemouth, Scotland (PowerPoint Presentation)

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