Our engineers can program control and data acquisition systems using the LabVIEW development software and toolboxes. The system can be deployed to a wide range of NI hardware, including CompactRIO and FPGA, PXI, cDAQ.
As a control engineering specialist with close involvement with clients in the automotive industry, particularly, on engine control, ISC is uniquely positioned to help companies deploy NI Powertrain Controls Hardware and Software for automotive applications.
Our help can be tailored to specific applications or company needs and help clients shorten the learning curve.
In all cases and where needed, ISC can offer on-site assistance including initial configuration and testing. ISC also has experienced with deploying MATLAB/Simulink to real-time targets, such as dSPACE, used for engine control.
The heave, pitch and roll motions were compensated in the algorithm to enable safe transfer of personnel in the Offshore Wind Turbine Access system.
The algorithm was first developed in MATLAB and subsequently implemented using LabVIEW and cRIO hardware.
Download the presentation slides >
Watch TAS NI Week 2012 Video >
A data logging software was developed using LabVIEW, running on Windows machines and communicating with sensors such as voltage, current, flow and temperatures via Ethernet using Compact DAQ chassis and C-series I/O modules, etc.
The software was deployed to the client's satisfaction. Hardware and I/O documentation was provided to the client to facilitate future development and maintenance.
We developed the control system for a very large pair of Gripper Arms for the jack-up vessel MPI Discovery, used to install the foundation piles for offshore wind turbines. Simulations were used to assess the hydraulic and control designs prior to the main software development. A software-based emulator was created to enable full testing of the software before the mechanical build was available.
This work won the Application of the Year award of the NI Graphical System Design Achievement Awards 2013.