Software Services


Simulation models enable practising engineers to associate theoretical knowledge and concepts with their own real-life processes and systems. The can also help plant operators and maintenance staff familiarise with operational procedures.

What We Provide

We can provide models built in a variety of development tools (MATLAB/Simulink, LabVIEW and Control Design and Simulation (CD&SIM) module, HYSYS, MATRIXx, and ADAMS), tailored to your training needs.

For example, we can provide LabVIEW models with intuitive graphic user interface (GUI) that mimics the corresponding practical applications to enrich enrich classroom experience of control training courses. These can be deployed as individual LabVIEW Virtual Instruments or as standalone executables, together with training where appropriate and required.

Reasons for Using Simulators in Training

  • Make informed decisions in daily operation and when performing upgrades or making modifications
  • Increase operating envelope while maintaining plant safety
  • Be confident in dealing with both normal operations and abnormal or critical situations
  • Reduce downtime and improve profitability

LabVIEW dive control simulator test bench


Dive Control Simulator

ISC was a member of a consortium developing the Dive Control Simulator (DCS). DCS is equipped with stunning, real-life looking graphics and dynamic simulation to train diving supervisors on various normal operations and emergency scenarios.

Diving supervisors are part of a dive support vessel crew, in charge of a diving operation. They monitor the operation and manage the panels controlling critical parameters (such as oxygen, pressure, temperature) for the divers to perform underwater tasks.

Our project partners are PaleBlue (Stavanger, Norway) and Norsk Yrkesdykkerskole NYD (Oslo, Norway).

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Download our presentation at NI Days 2017 (PDF) >

Bio-manufacturing Process Training

The manufacturing process of medicines and therapeutic products for humans requires extensive quality control to ensure both safety and consistency. These rigorous quality targets can lead to a high level of wastage so minimising product batch failures is a key concern.

For our client we created a biological process training suite for operations personnel, simulating long duration bio-manufacturing processes whilst balancing realism and technological capability with cost, ease of use and future extensibility.

Developed in LabVIEW, the training suite contains an instructor and a trainee module. The instructor model supports customisation of the training needs and scenarios (normal and fault conditions). Equipped with a dynamic simulation of the targeted bio-process created using the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module, the trainee module allows the process operator to gain hands-on experience of the processes during normal and fault scenarios.

Manufacturing Process Training Simulator

For a rarely used manufacturing plant to capture the knowledge of an aging workforce, to represent and deploy it in a form that could be used for new staff training.